About me
Vision, Strategy, Details,
Structure & Organisation
I am very interested in health and therapy-related matters, and this has been a navigator for my professional path. After an education as a medical assistant, I studied Biology and earned a Ph.D. in cell and molecular biology with developmental biology and immunology exams. I am very grateful for my mentor, who taught me scientific writing, an essential skill for an advanced research career. I received a Ph.D. scholarship from the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation, allowing me to travel to congresses, experience science's internationality early in my career, and learn the importance and joy of collaboration and networking. Nowadays, as a freelance Medical Writer, I enjoy working on pharmaceutical and biotechnological projects.
I was an independent biomedical researcher with teaching activity on genetic diseases, cellular mechanisms, and gene regulation in the USA, Germany, and Australia. This involved a lot of writing; I know writing is a craft, an acquired skill. Project, team, and lab leadership was a kind of business management that required multitasking. Why business? You have to write research grant proposals to fund the research. To get funding, you have to publish. To publish, you need results. It's a cycle: the more money you have, the more results you get. If you don't have results, the process stops. I have developed the soft skills to lead teams and pay attention to people’s individuality, and I have also worked within teams, bringing me interpersonal communication skills.
I am passionate about my work and medical discoveries and enjoy collaborating, teamwork, or writing with people who share my passion. I learn quickly and put innovations into practice. Since I left the CRO, communication through AMWA and EMWA (the footer contains the links) and the Linkedin network significantly impacted me to set myself up as a freelancer.
I worked at the Brain and Mind Research Institute at the University of Sydney for several years, which broadened my knowledge and focus and put patients at the center of my attention. My research focus was on neurological diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders. For example, I researched the epigenetic changes the brain experiences in response to stress and how this relates to depression and immune function. At the end of 2014, Nobel laureate and geneticist Bruce Beutler visited the university and gave a talk about his research on Toll-like receptors. These receptors are produced in macrophages of the immune system, and they recognize molecules that coat the surface of pathogens, thereby eliciting a specific immune response. I was very enthusiastic about the lecture, kept thinking about it, and it became clear that I wanted a career change, allowing me to work with research data on a broader scope and in a way that benefits people.
I gave up research and started freelance writing. I trained in integrative nutrition and health counseling, which put into practice the idea that the body needs homeostasis to avoid getting sick. A fact that does not exclude genetic defects from still causing illness. Finally, I became a Medical Writer in a German CRO, where I also got into the regulatory processes and documents of clinical trials and drug development authorization.
Due to my focus on genetics and genomics, my knowledge is broad. I constantly learned about conditions and disease-causing mechanisms and experienced great complexity. I deeply understand anatomy and the brain because I assisted in dissection-based courses for gross human anatomy and neuroanatomy and worked with physiologists at medical schools. I understand molecular processes at synapses, genes and their regulation, microRNAs, genomes, and genome evolution, including that of cancer, immunology, and many diseases, as well as personalized and RNA-based therapies. Technically, I am familiar with DNA, RNA, miRNAs, shRNAs, antibodies, in vivo gene/genome modification techniques, high-throughput sequencing and screening technologies, and cell and tissue cultures.
The photos and videos below are from my conference travels and while living in Australia.
Freelance Medical Writer
(Hanover, GER)
Writing for medical information and communication; Systematic literature reviews; Publication management with Bristol Myers Squibb in Germany.
Continuing education: Medical and Scientific communication and publication guidelines and practices with the global Medcomms team of Bristol Myers Squibb. ORAQ Regulatory Affairs Training Program (FDA) (6 days) with Duke University (USA). AMWA Courses (7 credits) & Webinars: Writing Compliant CSRs with Ease (TransCelerate Common CSR Template); Regulatory Writing Overview (Roles, Documents, and Process); Scientific Publications Webinar Package (Citations, Publication Management, Copyright); AI in Medical Writing. EMWA Webinar on updated Good Publication Practice (GPP 2022) for company-sponsored research.
Medical Writer in a Clinical Research Organisation (CRO)
Mediconomics GmbH (Hanover, GER)
Clinical trials: regulatory affairs, writing of reports and patient documents. Submissions to BfArM and ethics committees; interaction with the Sponsor’s clinical trial lead. Education in EMA regulations and document guidelines. ICH-GCP for Germany; Whitehall Training (30 hrs). Marketing Authorization for Beginners; FORUM Institute (3 days). MAA Dossier: eCTD Manager Software and eCTD Training, Extedo Company (1 day).
Freelance Scientific Writing and Communication
(Brunswick, Hanover, GER)
Writing manuscripts, grant proposals, and a book. Education as International Nutrition and Health Consultant (Distant learning program: International Nutrition and Health Consultant; Akademie der Naturheilkunde and Swiss Education AG).
Teacher at Public School
Ernestinum Gymnasium (Celle, GER)
Teaching of immunology, cell biology and genetics to high school pupils.
Principal Investigator
Brain and Mind Research Institute
(Brain and Mind Institute)
The University of Sydney
(Sydney, NSW, AU)
Research design and project lead in genetic causes of obesity, neurological diseases, and neuropsychiatric disorders. Organization of a scientific conference with 70 attendants and invited international speakers. Congress participation and Meetings of the EU-Research Grant Consortium: Pacific Grove (USA), Madison (USA), Cambridge (UK), Edinburgh (UK), Sheffield (UK), Gif-sur-Yvette (FRA), London (UK), Lorne (AU), Melbourne (AU), Ein Gedi (Israel).
Successfully raised funds:
NHMRC research grant on microRNAs in neurological disorders (APP1024863, 573k).
NHMRC research grant on Obesity (APP1010713, 465k).
Funds from Sponsors for the 10th AU & NZ Zebrafish Conference.
Senior Researcher
Sars Marine Biological Institute, EMBL.
The University of Bergen (Bergen, NO)
Research project lead and management in genetics, transgenesis, and genomics. Grant proposal writing on Type 2 Diabetes (EU-6th Framework Programme grant). Congress participation in Amsterdam (Netherlands), Seville (Spain), and Ghent (Belgium).
Junior Professor Neurogenetics
Institute of Biology, Carl of Ossietzky University (Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, GER)
Research design and project lead in Neurogenetics. Teaching and PhD thesis supervision. Congress participation in Dresden (Germany) and Madison (USA).
Successfully raised funds:
DFG research grants (Ri 985/2-3, 45k) on Hox gene function in the brain.
EWE Stiftung research grant (10k) on neural circuits.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) fellowship for guest scientist invitation at Riken Institute in Kobe.
DFG research grant (Ri 985/2-1, 60k) on Hox gene function in the brain.
Research Scientist
Dept. of Neuroanatomy
Medical School Hannover
(Hanover, Lower Saxony, GER)
Research on Parkinson's Disease. Assistant in the dissection-based human gross anatomy course for medical students.
Successfully raised funds:
Hilf 1 Program grant (10k).
Postdoctoral research fellow
Dept. Physiology & Neuroscience
New York University Medical School
(New York, USA)
Research in Neurobiology and Gene editing. Congress participation in Madison (USA), New Orleans (USA), and Saint Louis (USA).
Successfully raised fellowships:
Postdoc fellowship of the ‚Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft‘ (‚DFG‘, Ri 985/1-1).
Research fellowship (DFG, Ri 985/1-3).
Fellowship for MBL Advanced Research Training Course (DFG, Ri 985/1-2).
PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology
Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology
Technical University Braunschweig
(Brunswick, Lower Saxony, GER)
Exams in Developmental Biology and Immunology. Grade: manga cum laude.
Congress participation in Toulouse (France) and Salt Lake City (USA).
Successfully raised fellowships:
PhD Fellowship and travel grants for congress participation received from Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (Stuttgart; www.bifonds.de).
Diploma Biology
Technical University of Braunschweig
Georg August University of Göttingen
(Lower Saxony, GER)
Focus on Microbiology and Biochemistry. Grade: magna cum laude.
Certificate as a medical assistant
(Hanover, Lower Saxony, GER)
Professional school and doctor's practice.